Soliphilia, Say What!?

So we were told about soliphilia in class, and I had absolutely no idea what that is. Did some google scrounging and found a great article which defines it as “the love of and responsibility for a place, bioregion, planet and the unity of interrelated interests within it.”

This goes hand in hand with Solastalgia: noun. From the Latin solacium (comfort) and the Greek root –algia (pain). “the pain experienced when there is recognition that the place where one resides and that one loves is under immediate assault . . . a form of homesickness one gets when one is still at ‘home’.”

As I pondered on these concepts in my own life, I realized that I don’t have these feeling for a certain geography, but I do for my family and America. We used to be a God fearing nation that believed in hard work and thrift, taking care of your own, and not accepting handouts. People used to think that we were accountable to God for our actions, and that the nuclear family was of the utmost important.

America of today is an abomination of the proud heritage of our founders, with entitlements running rampant, post-modern relativistic morality, and God and family under attack by our own political system.

I long for the days of yesteryear, and am pained by the current state of the nation. Yet, I will continue the best I can. My children will grow up knowing that the love of God and their fellowmen is important. That the nuclear family is the foundation of a free society and is not substitutable. They will learn to work hard, love the constitution, and be willing to fight for liberty and justice.

Until we care about the foundational system of government that is meant to keep us free, worry of acid rain, urban heat island, smog, impervious surfaces, and ozone holes is absolutely ludicrous.

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